Last night I went to a great Ethiopian restaurant in Seattle. I've been very excited to try Ethiopian food for quite some time now. And yes, an Ethiopian restaurant just opened up in Colorado Springs but instead I first checked out Lalibela Ethiopian Restaurant. Now that I've confirmed how great the food is I can't wait to try the new place in the Springs.
Not sure if I'll be able to cook some authentic food for our family but I hope to learn a few things when I'm in Ethiopia next year!
By the way, Seattle is great! I was out to see my brother and his fiancee get married! Very exciting!
You may have noticed the new button on our blog (over on the left). Just Love Coffee Roasters is a coffee company that donates $5 for every bag purchased to families that are adopting. Their coffee is organic and fair trade that supports African farmers. They also strive to unite orphans with their forever families and care for waiting orphans.
Did you know that coffee is believed to have its origins in Ethiopia?
If you love coffee and want to try out Just Love Coffee Roasters we will receive $5 (for each bag purchased) to put towards our adoption expenses. Please make sure you follow the button link there, and that the url is ~You will see a picture of us and our store name This is Providence.
Yesterday was a good day. I had the whole day off work. My morning started with a cup of tea and a webinar and phone conference with our official adoption coordinator. Her name is Toni and she will be helping us figure out things along the way. She talked through the steps we are about to begin and answered a lot of questions. I am still a little overwhelmed about how to do it all, but definitely not feeling as blind about the process as I was just a few days ago. After the web conference I had a couple appointments. I got new contacts and glasses. I really am seeing things MUCH more clearly. Now I am really ready to dig into the papers!
Today we received the Adoption Planner from AGCI... it is big, and a little overwhelming. Lots of instructions, pray that we don't mess anything up. Everything has to be perfect, notarized, and if dates/signatures don't match then it won't go through. We plan to quadruple check everything, maybe more. When I better understand what all of the BIG book means I will explain for those of you wondering just what is included. We are done with the home study. It was truly a great experience. Our social worker is completing the report now.
I am finding that the online adoption community is essential in supporting and encouraging us throughout this journey. Thanks to all of you blogger and facebook friends. I am so thankful to be going through this together... as well as blessed by the wisdom from those of you who have traveled this road before us. I would like to share the Shubin family adoption blog with you. They adopted a three year old boy a while back and are on the journey to a toddler girl now. Erica has been a great encourager and recommended some books for us to read. My amazon order just arrived in the mail today; can't wait to start reading them.
Check out the video of their journey.
We can't wait to meet our son and praying that he will feel the love that is bursting out of our hearts for him.
Compassion is one of my favorite topics, along with adoption; they go hand in hand really. The sermon series at church has been about Portraits of Compassion. We are taking a deeper look at what compassion really is and how it is or should be lived out in our everyday lives. Though I frequently use the word compassion in conversation I don't know if I have ever taken a look at the dictionary definition "a feeling of distress and pity for the suffering or misfortune of another, including the desire to alleviate it" The key point that defines compassion is a desire (hopefully action) to do something in response to the needs of others. I am glad to be reminded of what it really means and to be continually evaluating my life and actions. What can I do for others? Compassion International is one of my favorite non-profits. I love the what they stand for and the work they do. We sponsor some kids through them and love to get letters, pictures, and updates from them. The first child that we started sponsoring is an Ethiopian boy. We chose him while we were engaged because his birthday is our wedding day. His name is Shemsedin and we will get to meet him when we travel to bring home our little one. He is the cutie on the left.
We keep this on the buffet in the dining room so that we see them while we eat and pray for them at dinner time.