Thursday, October 21, 2010

We are on the waitinglist!!!!!!!!

Today our caseworker called and said that she received our revised papers, and that we are now on the waiting list!!!!!! We are so excited.

On the siblings list we are number 52

On the boy list we are number 69

There is not a specific breakdown on each list for the age parameters. It includes families waiting for children of all ages. God knows just when this will all happen and who are child(ren) are. It will be an exciting surprise to find receive a referral. Our kiddo might be a baby, a toddler, or a preschooler!


  1. AHHHHH!!!! I LOVE this news! Wahoo! Okay, is it crazy that I'm hoping for 70... or maybe 71 for boy?! So happy for ya'll!

  2. aweeeesommmeee! do you get notified as your number decreases?!

  3. Woohoo! Congratulations. What are your age parameters?
